Signs and Posters > Corrugated Plastic Signs

Wire Frames and Grommets

Must have accessories for the easiest set up and display of your Corrugated Signs!

Framesmake the installation of corrugated signs easy. Insert the rust proof steel frame into the flutes of the sign and push the frame into the ground. Frames can be used on rectangle Corrugated Signs #162, 164, 175, 176, and 182, and on Special Shape Signs #181, 183, and 184.

Quick FramesSteel rod has a bend that acts as a level for the sign and a lip to easily push the frame into the ground.

Economy Frameshelp stretch your budget and can be used in most locations.

Standard Framesuse a larger upper frame and heavier wire added strength.

Deluxe Framesuse even heavier wire and an extra cross bar for support and the longest service.

Quantity -Minimum of 2 or multiples of 2.

Shipping Weight -Approximate per 100: 5973—45 lbs., 5971—90 lbs., 5972—140 lbs., 5978—30 lbs.

metal grommetsto your Corrugated Plastic Signs. Two grommets (one in each top corner), four grommets (one in each corner), or six grommets (corner grommets plus one each center top and bottom) are available.

Union Label: On all political orders and by request.

FOB: Kansas