Additional Products>Auto Cards

Auto Cards—.035" Plastic

Good for long term promotions! Durable and longer lasting!

Four-Color Process:$198.00 for separations created from a digital file. Printed in 100 line screen. Fine type, thin lines and critical solid colors should be printed as an additional color. A color proof is provided for review before printing.

Material:.035" white high density polyethylene: For longer term use.

Size: 6" x 12" with 3/16" x 1" slots or⅜" diameter holes. Slots will be furnished unless otherwise specified.

Color: Any standard color on the Color Chart. Neon colors begin to fade in approximately 30 days.

Production Time: Approximately 9 working days after receipt of art or proof approval.

Screen Printed: For durability against exposure to the sun.

Shipping Weight: Approximate per 125: 11 lbs.

Note: If Auto Card will be used with a License Frame, imprint area will be reduced.

See General Informationfor additional services available.

Union Label: On all political orders and by request.

FOB: Kansas